Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Here come the elephants!

Hey Everyone!

Here's a video from my trip to Mole National Park where we got to see baboons, lots of other monkeys, wart hogs and that's right...elephants!!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Adam :)


Unknown said...

love it love it love it.
remind me to relate our hippo story ... sadly in a zoo but excellent fart bubble link.

Unknown said...

That's priceless Adam. Finally looks like you had a well deserved 'vacation' weekend. The way that elephant reached for that tree branch/leaves was amazing (the burn!)

Krista said...

can you bring back chocolate spread? sounds very delicious!
oh and an elephant (but a real one)
love you

Kelsey said...

Super video Adam! Looks like a lot of fun. The baby monkey was sure holding on. And I also did not know elephants could scuba dive. Very cool!

Adam F-K said...

I'm always up for a story like that! Hope your golfing has been going well :)

Yeah... I LOVED that pool! It was the one and only time that I REALLY got a good sunburn. Even sitting in the apparent shade I got a sweet burn, but it was soooo worth it. I can't wait to go swimming again!

That chocolate spread will never make it back to Canada! But it was made in Ghana with Ghanaian cocoa!

The baboons seem to carry their babies on their back, but the other kind of monkey keep-em hanging down. Wonder why. Betcha google knows!

Anonymous said...

That's so amazing! A little more natural than Animal Kingdom - I had no idea they went under the water like that. I loved the baby monkey right at the end too, so cute! Those fart bubbles were pretty impressive too.

Adam F-K said...

I have to say that The Magical Kingdom did a decent job of portraying parts of Africa. There have been a few times that I've been walking around and remembered Disney World.

See y'all soon!

Adam :)