Sunday, May 24, 2009

A day in the life of Adam & UBF Syndrome…

Wow... youtube and Ghana are NOT friends! Many failed upload attempts. I'll have to switch up my approach. It is a lot of work to upload videos (5 hours travel and a stay overnight, fighting with power outages, ...), but you're worth it so I'm going to keep on doing it!

Before I get to my self diagnosed UBF Syndrome, I want to share a few experiences with you.

After arriving in Tamale, all Ghana JFs (short term volunteers like me) were sent out on a scavenger hunt to get some basics (cellphone, hat, medicine…) and some fun stuff (a house warming gift, season #4 of Lost…). Two specific interactions stand out as a stark contrast; one from a girl selling “pure water” sachets and another from a salesman hawking DVDs. When we approached the DVD stall in the market, the salesman eyed us up as an easy target and set his price “25 cedis… any DVD you want… 25 cedis.” Now in Canada $25 isn’t bad for a whole season, but what we were buying appeared to be some kind of pirated copy so I countered with “ah! That is too much… I think it is only worth 5 cedis.” The salesman agreed and I felt good having bartered down by a factor of 5 only to find out that DVDs go for 3 cedis. Meh… under 200% was my goal for the first day and I’m getting better. That’s a classic example of someone trying to take advantage of a foreigner. Compare that with the following girl selling water.

Later that night I went out to buy some “pure water” and found a girl no older than 14 selling them from a cooler near the guest house we were staying. I wanted to buy 0.45 cedis worth of water and only had a 0.50 cedis coin. The girl did not have exact change and so I told her that it would be ok if kept the extra 0.05 cedis, but to my surprise she politely refused and hesitated about what to do. Eventually she decided to give me a 0.10 coin effectively GIVING ME 0.05. Now this girl is out late at night and probably has to go to school in the morning and this is likely what is helping to pay for her way… and she would rather give me the extra rather than take it. The polite pride in her eyes took me a back so we stood there in silence for a few moments as I sure as heck wasn’t taking her 0.05 extra coin! Eventually we came to the conclusion that if I bought an additional small snack then we could make the exact change and both parties would have received their fair goods.

Since then I have met countless farmers in Sawla that upon hearing that I’m involved with Agriculture become very excited and ask for me to come visit their farm. The pride that they have and the will to improve their livelihoods is very touching and drives me to work hard everyday.

Next blog post will profile and exceptional female farmer I met last week, but the internet café is closing and I am being kicked out… till next time!


Ooopps almost forgot. UBF = Ukrainian Baba Feeding Syndrome… my host family is feeding me a small mountain of yams and green leaf stew every night for supper and it is delicious, but WAY too much. I have tried saying I’m full many ways, but they prepare it especially for me so I feel obliged. They are very kind, so I’ve since given up eating lunches so that I don’t explode at supper :)


Krista said...

and you're worth it to figure out how to post a blog and embed video!

seriously great video and post though. I personally like the shower scene best ;)

apoorvaTRON said...

awesome video adam!
1) can't believe you actually could upload that! amazing patience
2) the mofa "compound" looks exactly like my house that i lived at in ghana
3) what is your favourite food so far?
4) do you have a counterpart at mofa? what does he/she do?
5) keep mango eating and motorbike riding!!!


PS props on wearing a helmet

Kelsey said...

Lol I can't believe you actually uploaded a video of yourself taking a shower for the entire world to see. I guess there's always a first time for everything :P

Very nice video!! The animals and especially goats (you said goats right?) were super super cute. I actually love goats. There were goats at the corn maze. Man that was a long time ago. Reminds me that I am so glad I joined EWB. (No not because of the goats).

That mango looked good and I don't really even like mangoes. Also, I am glad you are eating a lot. You must get pretty hungry sometimes without lunch though.

I'm off to bed but I am looking forward to learning more about your work, seeing more videos and hearing more stories soon.

- Kelsey

PS. I don't like your cockroach friends and I agree your bathroom is a little sketch.

Heids said...

Christa & I just watched your latest video at our place. We both loved seeing the little goat hopping along the countryside:)
Yesterday I woke up to the sound of geese playing in the lake out behind the house...I love my new digs!
Love you,

Unknown said...

keep the posts coming. We're living vicariously through you. So far it's sounding like the superb experience we hoped you would have. The world is a pretty amazing place.


Adam F-K said...

Hey Apoorva-tron!What are you up to this summer? My favourite food so far is hmm.... there are so many! I really love red red (fried yam, beans and rice) or rice and bambera (sp?) beans... I will come home a fat man! Oh oh oh!!! And don't forget the bananas! ohhhh.... they are like healthy candy (think starbust) in a banana peel!

At MoFA, I love the staff and will be primarily working with the field staff and also the Management Information Systems Officer and a few of the other management dudes that come to the office often. I know that it can be hard to find people that you like to work with on teams (regardless of country) so I am really lucky to have so many people that I love to work with!

Adam :)


Kelsey,Hahaha I love the little goats and sheep. I will have to record some of the RIDICULOUS sounds that the adult sheep make... if it didn't make me laugh every time I would probably stop being vegetarian and eat me some sheep! Crazy sounds... :)

I just found a new place to eat lunch that is AMAZING so I'm packing away the food morning lunch and supper... I don't think I'm losing much weight if any!

How is the re-enactment job? Speaking of french, I have met a number of people in Ghana from Burkina Faso that get excited to hear I'm from Canada and begin to try and parle en francais. Too bad I can almost speak more in Ghanaian languages than I can en francais! I definitely dissapoint... c'est le vie(?)

Adam :)


Heidi,I always liked hearing the geese coming and going... reminds me of spending time up at the cabin. The only flying critters I have seen here are some pigeons (for eating), some wild birds that farmers kill with sling shots because they disturb the crops, something like a hawk and then lots of bats when it is dark.

Say hi to cuz Christa for me!

Adam :)

Gord, Lee & MalMy friend Jeff (who lived in Sawla before me) said that Africa is a magical place... and I am beginning to truly understand what he meant. If it wasn't for the malaria... damn... I would seriously consider living here for an extended stint. It is wonderful. Kinda ticked off that the mosquitoes can bite thru my thin clothing though! Jerks... hopefully they aren't the type of mosquito that carries malaria...

How is the family holding up? Did you decide what to do with C.I. will you renew the lease or is it too much now? man.... I would love love love to jump into the clear coool water at Georgian bay right now!

Adam :)